
Time-series forecasting software

Discover the Fast and Easy Time-series Forecasting Software

Forecast your sales or your inventory, predict the stock market, enhance your Technical Analysis arsenal with advanced forecasting tools and use powerful forecasting methods more accurately, easily and affordably than ever before. Build your own Demand Forecasting models and Sales and Operations Planning tools easily using Excel. Do it yourself with IPredict point-and-click two-steps Excel forecasting software, take advantage of advanced formulas in your Excel models.

iPredict is

  • A collection of more than 100 forecasting techniques that you can use in your forecasting models.
  • A Microsoft Excel plug-in that allows you to create time-series predictions, Demand Planning tools and build advanced financial Technical Analysis indicators directly in Excel.
  • An Options pricing engine that allows you to use Black-Scholes-Merton classic pricing models.
  • Optimize your financial portfolio using Capital Asset Pricing Models and Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory.
  • A software library that can be embedded in third party applications.
  • Classical forecasting, smoothing, regression forecasting and data analysis algorithms, Linear Prediction, Bayesian algorithms and Wavelet forecasting.
  • Advanced Digital Signal Processing algorithms and Kernel Smoothing.
  • Singular Spectral Analysis and Principal Component Analysis.
  • Easy to use, no statistics/mathematics knowledge is necessary for simple models.

Talk to a forecasting expert today and take advantage of our services to help you in your forecasting problems.

Forecasting Methods   Holt Winter’s, Series Decomposition and Wavelet Benchmarks
Time Series Forecasting   Use of the Moving Average in Time-series Forecasting
Forecasting Concepts   Denoising Techniques
Error Statistics   Computational Performance
Fast Fourier Transform   Moving Averages
Kernel Smoothing   Active Moving Average
Savitsky-Golay Smoothing   Fractal Projection
Downloading Financial Data from Yahoo   Multiple Regression
Digital Signal Processing   Principal Component Analysis
Curve Analysis   Options Pricing with Black-Scholes
Markowitz Optimal Portfolio   Time-series preprocessing